What is God calling you to do with your life?
To help answer this question or any other questions, the Diocese of Tucson’s Director of Vocations, Fr. Alan Valencia, checks email and is available to meet. He can be contacted with questions at vocations@diocesetucson.org. In addition, any of the Newman Center staff is willing to guide you as you listen for God’s voice and respond to his call.
More Vocations Resources
Diocese of Tucson Vocations Office
Western Dominican Province Vocations
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose Vocations
For Your Marriage
For Your Vocation
Diocese of Tucson – Vocations Prayer
Loving and generous God, we need more vocations to the priesthood. Send us faith-filled servants to minister as dedicated and loving priests in the Diocese of Tucson. Inspire us with your Holy Spirit so that we will encourage and foster a culture of vocations in which many will hear your call to serve your people. Bless our Diocese with men and women who will work together with your priests as deacons, religious, and lay ministers to bring to life the Gospel and to realize the Church’s mission in our Diocese. We ask this through Christ our Lord.