Newman Night for Undergrads
Wednesdays at 7PM downstairs in Bishop Green Hall led by our Student Ministry Team. Join other undergrads for fellowship and rotating themes. We will begin with a light meal and then the program.
Small Group Bible Study
Members of the Torch Small Group Team lead weekly small groups in a Bible-study format that focus on discipleship, praying with the Scriptures, and integrating our faith in Christ into all parts of life. Groups are formed through interest indicators, and led by trained student-leaders of the Newman community. Click here to join a small group and learn more about the Torch Team and its ministry.
Young Adult Community
This community brings together Graduate Students and Young Adults between the ages of 22 and 35 to enjoy fellowship and grow in faith. They meet every Tuesday at 7PM. Click here to join and learn more about the community and ministry.
Knights of Columbus Council #16061
The Knights of Columbus is an organization for Catholic men based on the values of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. At the Newman Center, University of Arizona Council 16061 participates in various ministerial activities, such as serving as liturgical ministers at Mass, organizing parking for Newman events as well as Arizona Athletic events, organizing Lenten fish frys and Christmas food drives. Men interested in joining the Knights of Columbus are invited to contact one of the officers below for more information.
Recruitment Chair: Jay Bell (jay.bell@cox.net)
Financial Secretary: Jerry Meyer (finsec16061@gmail.com)
Casa Alitas
Casa Alitas, located near Kino and Ajo Way, serves migrant families who have left their home countries to escape violence and poverty. After arriving in the US, they have been granted humanitarian parole and are here legally to await an asylum hearing. Casa Alitas volunteers offer support by providing hospitality, including food, shelter, advocacy, and travel assistance. Our goal is to provide a comfortable, healthy location for travelers to await their journeys and to prepare them for a safe trip.
Visits are planned on the 1st Thursdays and the 3rd Saturdays monthly when it fits into your schedule. Here’s a Casa Alitas Orientation PowerPoint; it provides an excellent overview and insight into what Casa Alitas is and what it does. This can help you decide if this type of community service is a good fit for you.
If you are interested in serving and helping others on a 1st Thursday, please contact Michele Brubaker at brubakermm9@gmail.com or (520) 906-1663. If you are interested in serving and helping others on a 3rd Saturday, please contact Dan Chavez at fotoventures@gmail.com or (520) 904-5730.
Reachout Women’s Center
Reachout Women’s Center is an organization for women in unplanned pregnancies with services such as pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and counseling; as alternatives to abortion. For more information about donating to our Diaper and Baby Clothing Drive, please send an email to: newman@uacatholic.org
Kino Border Initiative
Kino Border Initiative is a bi-national ministry of the Society of Jesus and Sisters of the Eucharist which provides support for migrants who have been deported from the United States and are on their way back to their homes in Latin America. Newman provides breakfast to migrants on the first and third Saturday of the month. Volunteers prepare food on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings, leaving Newman at 6:45 am to drive to Nogales, Sonora, Mexico to serve breakfast to migrants.
If you are interested in preparing or serving breakfast to migrants, please contact Sr. Lynn at srlynn@uacatholic.org or the Social Justice Committee socialjustice@uacatholic.org
Weekly Food Donations
At each of our weekend Masses, parishioners are invited to bring food items to be donated to one of the charities supported by the Newman Center. These charities include: Los Samaritanos, Stand up for Kids, Poverello House, Casa Maria Catholic Worker House, and Primavera Foundation. Parishioners, both students and permanent community members, are invited to bring forth food donations to any of the weekend Masses.
Supporting Ministries
Newman Sustaining Board
Founded in 1957, the Sustaining Board is a group of women who support our student ministry programs through home-cooked meals, scholarships and funding for our retreats and outreach. To learn more about their history, structure or becoming a member, visit their website here.