Liturgical Ministries
We offer many different ways to get involved with Mass through the different Liturgical Ministries. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer for us as Catholics, and ministering at the Masses is a great way to serve God and the community. Training for these ministries are usually at the beginning of the semesters, but if you are interested in any of these ministries, fill out the online application and contact Nathan at nathanp@uacatholic.org or Sr. Lynn at srlynn@uacatholic.org

Usher – Hospitality Ministry
Our faith community is committed to being a welcoming environment to anyone who walks through the doors at the Newman Center. Hospitality Ministers greet our parishioners for Mass, assist with the collection and help to distribute Bulletins after Mass.
Our Church has centuries of richness in music that promotes God’s grace and inspires love for the Catholic liturgy. If you are interested in serving as a musician for any of the Masses, check out our page (https://www.uacatholic.org/sacraments/music-ministry/) and contact our Music Director Nathan Payne by emailing NathanP@uacatholic.org with the subject line: “Music Ministry”; he will be excited to meet you! We are especially in need of pianists and guitarists. It’s helpful for singers to know how to read music, but it’s not required! We will grow together.
Sacristans organize and prepare the liturgical books, vessels, and anything else that is needed for the Mass. They are the point person for Mass and are responsible for recruiting cross-bearers and volunteers for the procession of the gifts and offertory collection.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers (or acolytes) assist the priest throughout the Mass including the procession, holding the Roman Missal during specific prayers, and assisting the preparation of the gifts. The Altar Server positions at the Newman Center are reserved for college students only and are especially helpful during Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. Contact Fr. Emmanuel via email at fremmanuel@uacatholic.org.
Lectors proclaim the scriptures during the Liturgy of the Word. They also prepare for the Mass by studying the readings together during the week prior to Mass. This ministry is recommended if you have a clear speaking voice and a love for the Word of God. For more information on Lectoring, see the USCCB’s Resource for Lectors.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests (who are the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion) in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. This ministry is recommended if you have a love and reverence for the Eucharist. We also provide training for ministers who would be willing to take Communion to our elders who are in Nursing Homes, Assisted-Living Centers, Hospitals, Hospice or are Homebound.
Linen Ministry
This prayerful service is available to our parishioners who would like to assist with the laundering, starching and folding of sacred linens used for Mass. This includes the corporals, purificators, lavabos and drying cloths in the Sacristy.
LiveStream Team
One of the silver-linings of the pandemic was the launching of our LiveStream Masses. We need two people for each LiveStream Mass: one to operate the camera and the other to handle the streams via computer. A team is being built so there can be a rotation of ministers who help Newman bring the Gospel to literally the ends of the Earth. This is part of The New Evangelization!