3/16/2020 4PM Pacific Time – the Bishop of Tucson has raised the response to Level 3. All public gatherings, including weekend Masses, will be suspended through April 6th and reevaluated at that time. The Diocesan COVID-19 page is linked here.
We will have more Newman-specific information coming soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Please make use of our Lent Resource Page for links to Daily Mass readings, daily reflections/meditations and apps to help you nourish your spiritual life.
3/13/20 – Dear Newman Community:
It seems like the situation related to the COVID-19 virus changes by the hour. Please know that we have been in constant communication with the Diocese of Tucson and Western Dominican Province related to any protocols that need to be updated. We ask that if you are not feeling well to please stay home and recuperate. Your faith community will be praying in a special way for all those experiencing illness as well as the safety of all caregivers and first responders.
In addition to the changes we made last weekend related to the distribution of communion by host only, the Sign of Peace and the Our Father portions of the Mass, we are also taking the following actions:
- We are suspending the 7PM Mass. At this time, the other weekend Masses will continue, but this may change: Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:15PM, Sunday 9AM, 11AM and 5PM
- Fr. Tom’s Café will be suspended (coffee and donuts after Sunday Morning Masses)
- Collection baskets will no longer be passed throughout the congregation but will still be available at the entrances. We encourage you to please consider your giving by preparing your collection ahead of time in an envelope or making use of our online giving program.
We urge everyone to stay informed related to this viral outbreak but also to recommit to our Lenten practices of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving to encourage the spread of charity and patience and not illness or anxiety. We also invite you to be prepared in case we need to cancel or postpone any of our pre-scheduled programming over the next few weeks and months.
Thank you for your understanding. May we all use our Newman Center’s Mission Statement to guide our way through these uncertain times: “to be transformed through an encounter with the Spirit of Truth and the Love of God.” This is happening everywhere, and our first concern is your health and well-being. Future updates will be posted on our website: UACatholic.org.
Respectfully Yours in Christ,
Father John Paul Forté, O.P.
Resources for more information:
• Diocese of Tucson COVID-19 Guidelines: https://diocesetucson.org/stayhealthy
• University of Arizona Notices: https://www.arizona.edu/coronavirus-covid-19-information
• Western Dominican Province Spiritual Resources: https://www.opwest.org/coronavirus/